No Ali
Inga Ali is a founding member and supports the Förderverein Träume werden wahr eV to the fullest. She is managing director of the Cramer markets in Hanover ..........
Frank Sutter
Frank Sutter is a founding member and eponym of the Förderverein Träume wahr true eV Frank Sutter has been self-employed since ..... and leads his markets in Buggingen, Ballrechten Dottngen and Sulzburg.
Marius Rees is a founding member of the Förderverein Träume wahr true eV As junior of the Rees FrischeMärkte KG, there was no question about founding the club.
Fabian Rees is a founding member of the Förderverein dreams come true eV As a junior of the Rees FrischeMärkte KG, there was no question here in the founding of the association.