founding members

managing committee

We want to help and support. We are all thankful that we are healthy and we want to help people who need support. With full commitment we want to put our strength at the disposal of the association and implement many projects.

Tanja Rees

Tanja Rees is a founding member and 1st director of the Friends of the Dreams come true. She works full-time as Commercial Director at Rees FrischeMärkte KG, Malterdingen

Kerstin Zipfel- cooling

Kerstin Zipfel-Kühl is a founding member and 2nd director of the Förderverein Träume werden eV She is since ....... independent Edeka retailer with her market in Ihringen.

Katja Sutter

Katja Sutter is a founding member and secretary of the Förderverein Träume wahr eV eV She is responsible for the reproduction and bookkeeping of Frank Sutter eK, Buggingen


Michael Rees is a founding member and responsible for the finances of the Förderverein Träume eV become true. Since 1997 he is self-employed of Rees FrischeMärkte KG.

founding members

Our board members are thought leaders who have actively supported our association. They enrich our association with their unique qualifications and experience.

No Ali

Inga Ali is a founding member and supports the Förderverein Träume werden wahr eV to the fullest. She is managing director of the Cramer markets in Hanover ..........

Frank Sutter

Frank Sutter is a founding member and eponym of the Förderverein Träume wahr true eV Frank Sutter has been self-employed since ..... and leads his markets in Buggingen, Ballrechten Dottngen and Sulzburg.


Marius Rees is a founding member of the Förderverein Träume wahr true eV As junior of the Rees FrischeMärkte KG, there was no question about founding the club.


Fabian Rees is a founding member of the Förderverein dreams come true eV As a junior of the Rees FrischeMärkte KG, there was no question here in the founding of the association.
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